Friday, December 19, 2008

Jerry was blessed with the opportunity to baptized Kevin Wu on December 13, 2008.
We had taught Kevin in our English class since we arrived here in Innsbruck. During the lessons Kevin would often ask questions about gospel subjects, so we were able to reinforce what the Elders were teaching him. When he was asked who he wanted to baptize him, he said, "Elder Meservy."
Forty-eight years ago, Jerry also baptized Paula Nagele in Innsbruck, pictured here with Kevin.

We have really enjoyed going to teaching appointments with the young Elders. This is Sumana from India. She speaks English so I could participate in the lessons.
She knows the gospel is true and is getting ready for baptism. She will be returning to India for three months, and then we will see her when she gets back. She and her husband are students. We will keep in touch by e-mail.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
We went on a snow hike, up the mountain with some of the Young Adults. Rosalyn was sure she was going to freeze before we left home. But, guess what? It was absolutely wonderful. We hiked up for about 45 minutes to reach to top and then built a snowman. We were both dressed like teddy bears and had so much fun with the kids. We love these kids!
On Thanksgiving Day we drove our car and took two young Elders to Salzburg for interviews with President Condie. It was about a two hour drive. We enjoyed the drive through the countryside and the weather was very nice.
That evening after returning home to Innsbruck, we went on a dinner date to celebrate Thanksgiving. We went to a very quaint old estaurant located in Old Innsbruck on one of the oldest streets in Europe, traveled by Kaisers, Kings and tradesmen. The meal was supurb. We had weinersnitzel and other delicious things! We parked and walked and it was beautiful with all the Christmas lights.
Our apartment in Axams, high up in the Tyrolean Alps. Rosalyn is standing in front of the outside door dressed in her very warm walking clothing - two thermos, two sweat shirts, two sweaters, hat, scarf, earmuffs, two pair of gloves, etc. Warm as a teddy bear!
Jerry is sitting in our computer room / living room. We love it here. The apartment is very nice. Rosalyn has her computer on one side of the table and Jerry has his on the other. The doors behind Jerry lead out to a balcony. The home is heated by radiators and is nice and cozy warm.
Friday, November 21, 2008

Jerry and Elder Hobbs on transfer day. We loaded all the luggage into our car for the two elders being transferred out - boy did we have a full car! Then we picked up the luggage for the two new Elders coming in. We only had room for the luggage - the Elders had to ride their bikes in the rain! Elder Hobbs is one of the Elders that met us at the train on the day we arrived. He got on the train to help with our luggage, but he and Jerry couldn't get all the luggage off the train before it pulled out. They both went all the way to Italy before they could catch the next train coming back. In the mean time Rosalyn was at the train station in Innsbruck in amazement, hoping her husband would return soon! The Branch President, who was there to meet us , took Rosalyn home for dinner while we waited for Jerry to get back. It was a nice meal but Rosalyn was almost too worried to enjoy it!

We were assigned to Innsbruck, Austria. YEA! But just a week later, we were on the train going back to Munich (about 2 hours)for a 2-day Senior Couples Conference. We went to a museum, ate good food, played some games and enjoyed everyone's company. Jerry and I both presented a topic at the conference/workshop.

After a very long, long, long flight we were met at the Munich Airport by President and Sister Condie. They are a wonderful couple and doing a great job. We were treated royally in the Mission Home for two days. On the first evening, they took us and another couple out to eat. On the way Jerry got car sick, sitting in the very back, and was really sick, YUK! He couldn't eat with us, but had to sit outside in the frest air. In the mean time the rest of us had a great meal in the restaurant!

We were suprised to run into Jerry's grandson Ian shortly after Dale dropped us off at the MTC. Thereafter we were able to see him several times in the dining hall. Our 11 days in the MTC went really fast. We were able to attend the Provo temple while we were there. After staying up most of the last night there trying keep each bag under 50 pounds, we left the MTC at 5:00 a.m. on October 24th.