Jerry and Elder Hobbs on transfer day. We loaded all the luggage into our car for the two elders being transferred out - boy did we have a full car! Then we picked up the luggage for the two new Elders coming in. We only had room for the luggage - the Elders had to ride their bikes in the rain! Elder Hobbs is one of the Elders that met us at the train on the day we arrived. He got on the train to help with our luggage, but he and Jerry couldn't get all the luggage off the train before it pulled out. They both went all the way to Italy before they could catch the next train coming back. In the mean time Rosalyn was at the train station in Innsbruck in amazement, hoping her husband would return soon! The Branch President, who was there to meet us , took Rosalyn home for dinner while we waited for Jerry to get back. It was a nice meal but Rosalyn was almost too worried to enjoy it!