Because we are so high up in the mountains, we are often in the clouds. Yesterday morning before dawn we heard a loud thunder storm that lasted for several hours. Then it poured rain all day. By evening there was snow in the mountains. But today the sun is shining and it is beautiful.

AXAMS -- Our little part of heaven.

An old door on a house along Main Street here in Axams.
The carving on the door says that it was made in 1809 -- 100 years ago.

Were we ever surprised and happy to see Warren and Lydia Hansen. Warren is Jerry's cousin and they are serving a mission in Switzerland. They were on their way to Vienna to attend a meeting, and Innsbruck was on the way. So they spent the night with us and then later the next day they had to be on their way again. We enjoyed their visit so very much! Here we are at a famous restaurant in Old Innsbruck where it is said that some famous person (can't remember his name) ate here in the 1490s.

Breakfast with Warren and Lydia before we set off for our day of adventure!

We decided to visit the Linderhof Palace which was only about a 2-hour drive from Axams. It is so much more fun to visit a historical site with good friends. This is looking away from the Palace toward some of the gardens.

The gardens were fantastic and it was such a beautiful day.

The difference between a Palace and a Castle is that a Palace is much smaller. However, this is one of the most beautiful. The inside is incredible, but no one is allowed to take pictures inside. This is a side view of the Palace. The story of the King who built and lived in this Palace is very interesting.

This shows a vine covered path leading around the Palace.

We hiked up to the "grotto" above the Palace which is a man-made cave. It is very interesting. This picture is looking down on the beautiful setting of the Palace.

This building was down the path from the Palace, and then up another path. Inside it looked like a small chapel of some sort. Looking at this picture you can see how tall Warren is as we stand in front of the Candy-stripe building!
Oh, how we enjoyed visiting them them. We wish them well on their mission -- and hope their assignment will send them this way again!

President and Sister Condie visited our Branch for the first time last Sunday. Everyone was so excited to see them. After the meetings and many pictures, we invited them to our apartment for lunch. We really enjoyed having a one-on-one visit with them. They are wonderful leaders.