Sunday, May 31, 2009


AT HOME -- We have this all figured out and it really works out well. I clean the bathrooms, mop the floors and start the laundry -- while Jerry fixes a yummy breakfast. I love to clean and he enjoys cooking!
My favorite cook! Yum!
Actually we share in the cooking for most of our meals and the food preparation for the young adults. Even though cooking is NOT my favorite thing, we enjoy working together in the kitchen. And we both do the dishes. Jerry insists on helping and it sure makes cleanup quick and easy!

ON THE ROAD -- Jerry drives the car up and down and around through the narrow, winding roads -- AND on the Autobahn which is really scary. In most places the speed limit is "as fast as you want to drive."

The narrow roads of Axams. One car must drive on the sidewalk to pass another car at this point.
But we make a good team driving too because I am the side-seat driver. You know -- the one who says, "Slow down," "Turn here quick," or "I think we are lost!"
We are both very thankful for our good friend -- Ms. Magellan (GPS System). When all else fails, we plug her in and she very patiently leads us on our way.

THE GARDEN -- This takes team work too. Jerry plants and takes care of the flowers. And he lovingly takes care of his three tomato plants that already have some blossoms starting. My part? I enjoy the flowers and will be happy to eat the tomatoes when they produce!
I teach the investigator class on Sunday, 3 English classes every week, and our one English Speaking visiting teaching lady. Jerry teaches all of the German speaking visits we make each week. When we teach inactive members Jerry always leads the discussion. When we teach with the young Elders, we both give our imput. Hey -- this team work stuff really works GREAT!

Words written by an English student before class.
Visiting Sister Palatinus

Our Best Team Work -- Sharing the Gospel
Linked together

Amos 8:11-12 -- "Behold, the days came saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro and seek the word of the Lord, and shall not find it."

Our message is that the gospel has been restored in these latter days. Therefore, we need not hunger nor thirst for the words of the Lord any longer.

Let us search, ponder and pray. May we follow the words of our living prophet so that we may all find peace and hope in these challenging times.

The Gospel is true.

51 Days, but Who's Counting?

We are the walking King and Queen -- 51 consecutive days of walking (except Sunday.) We have walked in a lot of sunshine, some rain, some Heavy rain, and some very strong wind. BUT when you are on a roll (or walk) you must continue or the contest is over! Right?

Watching the farm work in the meadows is very interesting. After they mow everything, the stuff (hay) is put on racks to dry.

I am usually (I should way always!) the first one ready and waiting when it is time to go somewhere. But this time when it was time to go walking, I put on my walking shoes -- but where was Jerry? I opened the door and this is what I saw -- "Just waiting for you, dear!"

When we leave the house, we never shut the door without asking each other --"Do you have the keys?" The doors have no door knobs and lock automatically as soon as the door is pulled shut. There is one door to get into the building using a key, and then another door to get into our apartment with a key that has a double lock. The important thing is to have keys in our hand BEFORE closing the door. This is the walkway leading to our door.

We try to go walking in the morning, but sometimes it is not possible -- so we walk in the evening. We see some interesting things like -- what is this?
Lamb just a few hours old -- and Alpacas

Each day is a new adventure

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's Spring - YEA

When we are at home, we both feel like we live at the computer -- always working, studying and preparing lessons. We love the work we do and know that we are truly blessed.

Home, sweet home! Our apartment is the one with the long balcony -- there is an apartment below and one above us. There is a narrow road by the apartment building, and beyond that are the meadows and woods. The balcony is great. We hang our clothes out there on a string clothesline, and we enjoy the fresh air, and watching it rain. We just planted some flowers, but I don't have a picture of that yet.

We love our little red car. Great for gas mileage. Very squishy when we take the Elders with us. Good on the narrow, winding roads.

Lunch with less-active members.

Meeting with an investigator at the church.

I think it would be fun to be a farmer here. Even the yellow dandelion fields are pretty to see. They let the grass grow tall (about 2 feet) and then it is mowed, raked, bailed and stored to feed the animals in the winter. Then the meadows look like freshly mowed lawn everywhere.

Now it is Spring and we have a goal to walk everyday except Sunday. Yesterday was our 45th consecutive day! Wow! Most of the time we walk in good weather, but at times we have to walk in the rain. One day we were walking in water 3 inches deep and it was raining hard. That was fun! Water was squishing between my toes!

We cannot get over the beauty of the meadows and woods. We go for a walk everyday regardless of the weather. During the winter we felt like couch potatoes because we couldn't go walking because of all the ice and snow. After Jerry fell twice we decided it wasn't worth it.

Mother's Day and a beautiful orchard plant from my Sweetheart. I don't have a green thumb, but I have heard that these are easy to take care of here because of all the moisture in the air.
We love hearing from our family and friends.

We have had a wonderful month of May. We have enjoyed warmer weather, sunshine and lots of rain. My favorite smell? Barnyard! For some reason it always reminds me of my childhood growing up in Centerville.

Our favorite sounds -- cow bells. In the meadows by our house it is like music. All the cows have different sounding bells and so do some of the sheep.