Sunday, May 31, 2009

51 Days, but Who's Counting?

We are the walking King and Queen -- 51 consecutive days of walking (except Sunday.) We have walked in a lot of sunshine, some rain, some Heavy rain, and some very strong wind. BUT when you are on a roll (or walk) you must continue or the contest is over! Right?

Watching the farm work in the meadows is very interesting. After they mow everything, the stuff (hay) is put on racks to dry.

I am usually (I should way always!) the first one ready and waiting when it is time to go somewhere. But this time when it was time to go walking, I put on my walking shoes -- but where was Jerry? I opened the door and this is what I saw -- "Just waiting for you, dear!"

When we leave the house, we never shut the door without asking each other --"Do you have the keys?" The doors have no door knobs and lock automatically as soon as the door is pulled shut. There is one door to get into the building using a key, and then another door to get into our apartment with a key that has a double lock. The important thing is to have keys in our hand BEFORE closing the door. This is the walkway leading to our door.

We try to go walking in the morning, but sometimes it is not possible -- so we walk in the evening. We see some interesting things like -- what is this?
Lamb just a few hours old -- and Alpacas

Each day is a new adventure

1 comment:

McKell said...

Cute baby lamb! I love you guys!